FREE Pokemon Go Landing/Squeeze Page

I’m sure by now, everyone has at least heard of the Pokemon Go craze, many have likely participated in it!

With any trend, there is often a surge in traffic which we as affiliate/online marketers should have the ability to monetize and take advantage of.

One struggle that I often hear people having is creation of landing pages. People without a web design background can struggle in this area.

To help our readers out for this one, we’ve worked with Jon from AffBuddy to help give away a Pokemon Go landing/squeeze page – Absolutely FREE!

Here is a screenshot to give you an idea of what you’re getting.


This landing page is fully mobile responsive and collects opt-ins. Right now it writes the emails to a txt file in the same folder as where the landing page is hosted. You can easily integrate with your choice of email service provider (such as aWeber). If you plan using the save.php file then be sure to add your redirect link or offer/affiliate link.

To download this awesome landing page for FREE, just fill out your email address below, once you sign up, you will instantly get to download.