Should I sign up to affLIFT now that Peerfly is gone?

I had this question asked by a few people recently so I thought I would share my thoughts on this topic.

Let’s start from the beginning. affLIFT was founded by Luke Kling who has a key part of the Peerfly team. With that in mind, one thing I have learned from watching Luke over the years, he’s not a one hit wonder or a one trick pony.

Luke has actually launched many different websites, tools and products. By far the most popular one and the one that likely has the most members if affLIFT. Although, I am sure FPTraffic is up there as well in terms of members.

Now, back to affLIFT – When Luke founded affLIFT, it was a project he did on his own. This was not a site launched by Peerfly or in partner with Peerfly, it was Luke that launched it. Now that Peerfly has closed down, not much has or will change in my opinion and it’s already been a few months.

I actually think it might be somewhat of a good thing. Although affLIFT was a solo project, while working with a network (Peerfly), I’m sure Luke had some limitations on talking about and/or promoting other networks. Now, I’m assuming Luke now has more freedom which is a good thing!

In my opinion, the time has never been better to join affLIFT. The forum is a popping place, constantly has new members, new threads and new replies. It’s a damn popular place. It’s so popular, I’m kind of shocked Luke hasn’t raised the price yet. It’s one of the lowest private forum membership prices I’ve ever seen and the value far exceeds the cost.

Hope to see you in the forum!