If you haven’t heard of Pagez by now, you should take a quick read here. To quickly sum it up, they are a website that you can create articles to help monetize Facebook traffic. Although it is targeted towards Facebook, I’m sure you could also use other traffic sources and traffic with Pagez to make money.
On November 9, 2017, Pagez went offline. Unfortunately Facebook made this decision without much discussion and it was difficult news to many. Just to be clear, we do not feel Pagez did anything wrong. While it was never officially announced, we feel the problem was a few people took advantage of their open registration and copied other people’s content and in addition some created fake news stories. [Again, this is not official, this is our own assumptions and observations].
Immediately the team at Pagez filed an appeal with Facebook and after many attempts and pleas they were eventually told they need to wait 90 days before they can start the appeal process.
Luckily, it didn’t take that long. The team at Pagez was able to get an early appeal, which is very shocking considering the typical stance Facebook takes while dealing with people.
As of December 21, 2017, the appeal appears to have been successful and it looks like the suspension has been lifted!
While they aren’t official fully live again, they will be soon. We can also expect some changes to help increase quality and ensure the same thing does not happen again.
Although this has been a difficult time for many that were relying on Pagez for revenue, we are happy they are (almost) back and we think the upcoming changes they are making will only help make the platform better and increase the overall quality.
We look forward to working with Pagez again and hope that everyone can pick up where they left off.