So, you want to get a head step in your affiliate marketing journey? A training program such as IMGrind of AffPlaybook is a great way to increase your chances of success and even decrease the amount of time it takes to find success.
When doing anything in life, doesn’t it get much easier when you have a mentor or coach who has been through what you are going through before? Someone who has helped others get through the same obstacles you are going through?
It’s really a no-brainer. Look at all athletes in the world, all of them have at least one coach, many athletes even have multiple coaches, do you think they are on to something? If you saw a golfer, baseball player, hockey player, etc – and compared them to one of their peers and one had a coach and the other didn’t, who do you think would be better? Who do you think would be better in less time?
Think about learning something new, if you had to learn how to play a brand new instrument, do you think you would learn much faster by doing it on your own or by having someone teach you?
The same can be said with internet marketing/affiliate marketing. Yes, you can learn it on your own, it is possible. But why would you want to? It’s been proven time and time again, investing money on proper training will save you money in the long run. Yes, I just said that – INVESTING (not spending) money on training will save you money.
Have you ever heard someone say “if i only knew what i know today”, and it’s true, most of us think back at some point in our life and think if we only knew something back then that we know now.
Why not learn from other people’s mistakes? Why not take the good which they have learned and use it, but also learn what has failed them and stay away from that? Think of how much more you would learn and how much time you would save? Think of how much more money you would make and how much less you would lose?
Anyways, back to the debate between IMGrind and AffPlaybook.
Unfortunately IMGrind has closed their doors and they are no longer in business, both owners (Ralph and Ryan) have moved on to other ventures. They are recommending that all IMGrind members move to join AffPlaybook.
AffPlaybook not only shows you the same techniques that IMGrind did. They are also much more active on the training sections on the forum.
Now, the best part – All IMGRIND Members get $10 OFF EVERY MONTH at AFF PLAYOOK.