If you were involved in affiliate/internet marketing 5-10 years ago, you would have likely seen a trend. It was mostly about making quick money, and often spending it as quickly as it came it.
It was all about getting the bling, getting the nice jewelry, watches, rings, cars, etc.
Over the years, this has greatly changed. Now we see several affiliates trying to grow a long term business. We see more talk about assets than spending money, we see more talk about investing for the future instead of just going for the quick buck.
This is a great trend, not only is this good for each individual, it is good for the industry as a whole. This should help increase the quality that affiliates deliver to affiliate networks (ie: MaxBounty and Peerfly), this will thus increase the quality that the networks send to merchants and this should help make most people involved happier. There should (hopefully) be less people kicked off of offers, less affiliate networks losing merchants due to quality.
This should also see an increase in quality for the visitors. There isn’t much value to the visitor in a 1 page landing page designed to just move the visitor to an offer and a purchase. We will likely still see these, but I’m guessing less and less. Long term businesses will focus on the visitor experience and interaction and try to get the most value (profit) from each of them. This is one of the reasons we build lists and do re-targeting. The better experience we give them, the easier it should be to sell them on something or sell them on several things.
Hopefully the trend of better quality continues, it will benefit everyone.