FREE $50 in Credits at 50onRed!

If you have ever been following me or asked me, you would likely know one of my favorite traffic sources is 50onRed. I am very heavily into PPV traffic and while I still like Trafficvance, I really like 50onRed.

Aside from their PPV traffic, they also have InText and Display traffic. While I haven’t experimented much with the Display traffic, I am very impressed with the InText traffic. Not many people use it, so it is very unsaturated right now and it converts very well.

Anyways, on to why you are here!

For a Limited Time – 50onRed has an offer, if you sign up through THIS LINK you will get $50 credited to your account. But wait, there is a small catch. The credit is not applied to your account until you make your initial deposit of $500 and this offer is for NEW accounts only.

I understand this might not be for everyone, but if you are thinking about getting into PPV, InText or even paid traffic, this is the perfect opportunity. If you are unsure, just sign up now and you can always think about it and make your deposit later. Signing up does not mean you need to deposit right away!

I completed understand this is not for everyone. However if you have the money to invest and you want to make more money, I suggest you sign up to 50onRed today and even if you don’t make your deposit today, you will still be eligible for the $50 credit if in the future you decide to make the deposit.

Just another thing, if we look at the initial deposit to other high quality PPV traffic networks, we see that although $500 may be a fair bit of money to some, most networks ask for a higher initial deposit.

    • 50onRed – $500
    • Trafficvance – $1000
    • Leadimpact – $1000
    • Rapsio – $1000