The Top 5 Most popular Affiliate Marketing Forums based on quality.
Forget all the lists on other websites for the best affiliate marketing forums. Many will go based off of traffic, some will go based off what they know. We, on the other hand are basing this on real life experience and from discussions with other members of the affiliate marketing world. We’ve discussed this topic with many affiliates from newbies to super affiliates and everyone in between.
Warriorforum – Warriorforum was voted as one of the best free affiliate marketing forums by those in the industry. They have a wide range of topics and discussions going on at any point in time, they also have a large user base. They also changed ownerships recently and the new owners are on a mission to take the forum to the next level!
AffiliateFix – AffiliateFix is one of the “younger” forums on our list, although they have been established for a number of years. They are a great source for affiliate marketing information.
CPA Elites – CPA Elites is a smaller forum, but still has a ton of great information. Check them out for a non-biased view of affiliate marketing.
Digital Point – Digital Point is one of the largest affiliate marketing forums in terms of user base. Unfortunately we find the quality a little low, but many of the people we spoke with voted for them.
Aff Playbook – Voted the #1 Affiliate Marketing Forum. Let’s set this straight – Aff Playbook is a paid forum, unlike the other forums on this list. With them, you get what you pay for and more. The owner and team of moderators are online for 24/7 it seems. The answers that you get on this forum are straight up, to the point and come from experts. If you are serious about Affiliate Marketing – Aff Playbook is for you.